We asked Charlotte Abadie-L. from @MusJeanneAlbret to share her tutorial on making Origami M’s for MuseumWeek:

Click to download the pdf  
Officially, I’m heritage conservation officer but in reality, as many of my colleagues in ‘small’ museums, I ‘d rather qualify myself as a cultural Swiss-army knife because of my great versatility.

A small museum with modest human and financial resources involves imagination and creativity. Passionate about DIY, I often do origami with old posters to decorate the shop. So, I imagined the #MuseumWeek’s logo by diverting a letter of Jo Nakashima’s alphabet. A few days before the beginning of the last edition of the #MuseumWeek, each museum posted a picture of its creation, in order to announce our joint actions. And as the good things are made to be shared, I would be delighted that this tutorial could be useful to others. Don’t hesitate to share your realisation with us!

Thanks for sharing Charlotte!  And yes, please everyone share with #MuseumWeek or #WomenMW! 

You can also find Charlotte on Instagram.