About the importance of art during Covid-19
From May 11th, social media will come alive with the buzz of #MuseumWeek and the 7 hashtags featured in the 7th year of this initiative in a unifying event unlike any other worldwide that will generate traffic, foster diversity and encourage creativity.
As Covid-19 is changing the world, this edition of #MuseumWeek is more essential than ever. About 98% of artists suffer from financial losses, as more than 30% of exhibitions have been cancelled, and the biggest institutions like the Rijksmuseum and the Stedelijk Museum haveesti- mated their losses between €100.000 and €600.000 per week. While 92% of EuropeanMuseums are closed, publics have voiced the need to still be given access to cultural content during the lockdown.
In this specific context, #MuseumWeek and MTArt Agency have decided to join forces in order to promote cultural initiatives and experiences across every genre, communicating them across social media. The initiative will be gathered around the hashtag #investInArtistsMW.
This year’s event is directly linked to the current context. The cultural world launches#Togetherness as a worldwide movement intending to promote all the positive artisticinitiatives currently being developed.
As, although we are all confined at home, more than ever we feel the need to have a sense of community and shared experiences. Without a common effort the world will not overcome this crisis.
International competition to win an original work of Jennifer Abessira worth $2,500
5 years ago, the artist Jennifer Abessira got hit by a car and was stuck in hospital for several months. It’s then that she started her Instagram account making images that would make her feel happier. She then realised that wifi was saving her life as she could continue to share her art and create thanks to it.
During the pandemic, she has developped the #EverythingIsWifi series with views people would send to her.
For #MuseumWeek, people will be able to send her their views from home and she will add her famous wifi sign to it. At the end of the week, the photo that inspire her most will win the com- petition and be professionally printed and sent to the person who took it.
To participate send your image at giveaway@museum-week.org